I repaired mine and they are much better than new. Start with a can of plastic pipe cement. You need the one that's good for both PVC and ABS. I got mine at Lowes for about 5 bucks. Just a little dab on each end, press them together and hold the for about 30 seconds. They'll stick on their own after that. When you put them together be sure you get them lined up so they go together right where they broke. After 3-4 hours, so they cure real good, reattach them with new screws. This is the key, Replace all those flathead countersink style screws with some 3/4 X #10 panhead sheetmetal screws. It's the screws they used that are causing them to break. You will notice they all break in the same place. The taper on the screws is forcing the bracket apart right where the screw goes through them causing them to crack. For extra safety I traded mine with one in a "safer" location to keep it from breaking at the repair, although I don't think it matters. Then proceed to replace all those old screws with the panheads. So far so good and.... I have enough glue to keep me entertained for months....Don