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  1. M

    F350 Dually Vibration Part II

    Might do that next tire go-around, or if truing these tires didn't help much (we'll find that part out tomorrow). Supposedly on trip two to the Ford dealer they checked wheels (and other rotating parts) for roundness.
  2. M

    F350 Dually Vibration Part II

    The factory tires didn't vibrate nearly as much as these new ones (aside from the one that went bad in the front), so I'm thinking I just got an out-of-round set of tires this time around. They are Michelin Defenders (new replacement for the tried and true M/S-2's).
  3. M

    F350 Dually Vibration Part II

    Correct. Though that's what I thought might be happening with the old tires at first, before I noticed the cupping on the tread. Yes, and yes. Next time I buy tires, I might make sure to have them mounted and balanced by a shop that does tire truing, though, to save paying twice for balancing.
  4. M

    F350 Dually Vibration Part II

    Here's an excellent article on tire truing. Most tires are not perfectly round. Most wheels are not perfectly round. Put a not-round tire on a not-round wheel in the wrong orientation and you'll forever have a vibration even though the assembly spin-balances just fine off of the vehicle. Throw...
  5. M

    F350 Dually Vibration Part II

    I was going to reply to Rex's (rxbristol) thread, but it is marked SOLVED and closed. Too Long, Didn't Read (TLDR) Summary: Our dually rear-end vibration issues were solved by having the wheels and tires trued. Full story: I had weighed in on that thread that our F350 dually had a vibration...
  6. M

    Looking for mid-1980's KOA

    For anyone here that might have been camping in the mid-1980's, did you ever camp at the Kissimmee (Florida) KOA back then? It is not the same campground as the current Kissimmee KOA. It was much larger and had shuttle service to the Disney parks. A good friend and I camped there in a tent for...
  7. M

    Tredit Tire & Wheel

    We had the same experience with Tredit last fall with a wheel of ours that developed a pinhole leak.
  8. M

    To delete or not delete (DPF/EGR)

    Good point. Was just curious.
  9. M

    Picture mounting help

    We are full-timers, so someone else's mileage may vary. However, I just did a quick walk through our rig and we have at least 33 items (pictures, signs, memorabilia, etc.) hanging on our walls with either velcro Command strips or command hooks (or a combination in a couple cases). To take them...
  10. M

    Picture mounting help

    We've used command strips successfully on a number of framed items and signs in our rig. We rarely have any come down during travel. The secret is to use a lot of them, depending on the type of item and its size. For example, I have a really nice framed print I took with me from our house. After...
  11. M

    To delete or not delete (DPF/EGR)

    Just out of curiosity, do shops that do DPF deletes require the customer to sign some sort of waiver indicating the vehicle will only be used off-road?
  12. M

    New furniture...through a window?

    I'll be glad to assist. I prefer a blonde ale or an amber. Bourbon works well, too.
  13. M

    Bedroom Mount - Only One Screw Holding Mount On Wall

    Is it an outside wall or interior wall? Outside walls should have aluminum studs at periodic intervals. On all the rigs we've owned with a TV in the bedroom, they mounted the TV mount to a plywood backer covered in black felt-like material. The backer was, in turn, screwed into the wall into...
  14. M

    Oakmont - Cracked Rim

    Tredit is really easy to deal with. We had a rim replaced and didn't have to return the defective one. Very painless process.
  15. M

    buzzards damaging rubber rv roofs ?

    We stayed at one park that had flyers indicating that the buzzards like rubber roofs. They warned against leaving different things out that might attract them as apparently it was an issue. Can't remember where the park was.
  16. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: LA, Kinder - 3/31/2017 to 4/2/2017

    We thought you were bringing it. We had biscuits and gravy instead. Frank said we had so much bacon that we can probably have an impromptu lunch gathering with BLTs.
  17. M

    Adding led strip light to frame and using step light as power source.

    We put a couple short blue LED strips in our step box and wired them into the existing yellow marker circuit. I pulled the yellow cap off the marker and removed the screws that held the base to the frame. Carefully fishing wires through the frame hole, I found a couple wirenuts. I removed those...
  18. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: LA, Kinder - 3/31/2017 to 4/2/2017

    OK, Coushatta's website shows a check-in time of 4PM. Seriously? Of those already there, what time of the day did you arrive? Was it any problem if before 4:00?
  19. M

    2002 3500 6.6L/allison DRW CC 4x4 LB specs

    FifthWheelSt only has towing guides back to 2004 for the Chevy. However, in looking through the 2004, the DRW is rated at 23,000 max GCWR (that's the weight of the truck, trailer, fuel, passengers and cargo combined). Considering the truck probably weighs close to 8,000 empty, that gives you a...
  20. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: LA, Kinder - 3/31/2017 to 4/2/2017

    We're in on Wednesday, as well. No problem helping with the spatula.
  21. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: LA, Kinder - 3/31/2017 to 4/2/2017

    I will stand over the pan with an umbrella if needed. - - - Updated - - - Have Rowdy and Kaydee drop by the trailer and we'll serve some light hors d'oeuvres. - - - Updated - - - Sure. Let me know what I need to supply or do. Be glad to help.
  22. M

    State Residency Question?

    For reference on RV lending for full-timers, do a Google search on "Regulation Z Section 226.35 rv loan" (linked for reference). This is the SAFE act, implemented after the 2008 mortgage meltdowns. Reg Z's 226.35(b)(3) specifies a requirement for Escrows. This section includes structures...
  23. M

    State Residency Question?

    We didn't have any problems with any credit cards or truck loans using our Escapees mailbox address, only the RV. Some banks may not ask if you are full-time or not, but it was our experience when buying our second RV at La Mesa in Arizona that they said only one bank they dealt with would loan...
  24. M

    State Residency Question?

    Few banks offer RV loans, in particular, to full-timers without a physical address due to additional requirements and paperwork mandated by HUD, if I remember correctly. When we financed our first rig as a full-timer, the RV dealer sent us through Alliant Credit Union. They are full-timer...
  25. M

    Exterior restoration

    When we were preparing to go full-time, I stumbled across the RV Dreams website. They've been full-timing for quite a while now. Almost three years ago now (how time flies), they had their older RV painted at Mike's Custom Painting in Bremen, Indiana. Here's their blog article after going to...
  26. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: LA, Kinder - 3/31/2017 to 4/2/2017

    You are singing the song of my people.
  27. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: TX, Alpine - 3/17/2017 to 3/19/2017

    Especially the Marfa mystery lights. :D
  28. M

    EVENT: South Central Region Meet-n-Greet: IN, Goshen - 6/14/2017 to 6/14/2017

    Re: EVENT: Heartland Owners Meet-n-Greet: IN, Goshen - 6/14/2017 to 6/14/2017 Count us in.
  29. M

    individual wheel wieght

    You probably have Sailun S637 tires from the factory. They are rated at 3750 pounds at 110 PSI. Rather than worrying about what each tire position weighs, most folks just run all the tires at 110 PSI and call it a day. We had a front bath Big Country with a 16000 GVWR and ran right at that...
  30. M

    Windows drafty

    Note that if you are in a warm climate in the fall that Asian ladybugs and Stinkbugs love those entrances into your trailer. Nice and easy entrance. I put a piece of similar weatherstripping in the gaps in mine. I purposefully cut them a little smaller than the opening so that water could still...
  31. M

    Selling my fifth wheel

    You're just coming into RV buying season in the South. Make sure you have something other than local ads put out there (or put ads in several Craigslist cities). Folks in the Southern states (Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana) will be looking for a deal on a toy hauler here soon, so...
  32. M

    Insurance Totalling 2013 300C ti

    Most likely Sailun G637's. Most of Heartland's heavier rigs are now shipping with those on them. They've so far had a really good reputation here and elsewhere.
  33. M

    Texas - West Rally Date for 2017

    I had to share this because it was too funny. I thought I'd look at Google satellite view of the bridge. When I clicked on 3D view to get a better idea of the height of the bridge, I ended up with this fail. (That looks like a pretty steep grade on the east end of the bridge).
  34. M

    individual wheel wieght

    It will be highly dependent on the model, how much stuff is loaded into it and how that stuff is organized within the rig. However, a general rule of thumb is that a 16,000 GVWR rig (a larger Bighorn or Big Country, or smaller Landmark) will probably have in the low 3,000 lb. range on each of...
  35. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: TX, Alpine - 3/17/2017 to 3/19/2017

    First good night of star-gazing out here in Alpine. We were looking for the Zodiacal Light phenomenon which started this evening. [LINK] You can actually see it a little better in a photograph than in person. Interesting. (Hint: it's the brighter shaft of light coming up from the horizon - this...
  36. M

    2017 Goshen Rally - Heartland Baby Blessings (HBB) & Heartland Hats & Hugs (HHH)

    Val wanted me to post some pictures from the 2015 Goshen Rally's baby blessings event. As you can see, we had quite a few donations.
  37. M

    Washer/Dryer width question

    Our Splendide 2100xc was about 22 1/2 inches deep. Turn it sideways and it should fit. (Unless you are talking about the door/opening for where the unit will end up).
  38. M

    Is this a early Heartland RV?

    Heartland never made Class A's. I believe that is an Oldmar, the predecessor to the modern Newmar. :D
  39. M

    Going to Florida

    The hills through southern KY and northern TN on I-75 are not bad at all. I-24 actually has some steeper ones between Nashville and Chattanooga. I'd stick with I-75 the whole way.
  40. M

    Someone's not gonna get their security deposit back.

    I'm sure they still are displayed somewhere inside. I also remember they used to put the height in reverse on the front, drivers-side corner of the box so you would see it every time you looked in the outside rearview mirror. Additionally, the approach to this particular bridge (in Durham, NC...