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    Towing a Shenandoah

    Sparkie, I will try to keep this short and to the point. I thought that my new truck was adequate to tow the Shenandoah when I purchased one. I towed my Shenandoah to a truck stop to weight it before adding any personal items (except one 40 lb. item in the storage unit). I discovered that the...
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    Towing a Shenandoah

    Sparkie I'm late at posting to this thread but are you still interested in more information about the Shenandoah?
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    Shifting pin weight forward on truck

    Thanks for your replies. I received an email from Reese that may help although it is an expensive fix. The rep said that the Kwik Slide system uses the same rail locations and positions the pin 1.5" further forward than the fixed system. It is because the Kwik Slide support tilts forward that...
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    Shifting pin weight forward on truck

    Has anyone experimented with how the position of the hitch affects the balance of weight on the truck? When my truck was weighed at the rally last year, the front axle weight rose 125 lbs when the trailer was hitched and the rear axle rose 3850 lbs. How far forward would I have to move the hitch...
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    Landmark shenandoah

    Sparkie, I have a Shenandoah and I bought it for the shorter length and quality of the coach. I discovered that the tongue weight was greater than what was advertised. Perhaps Heartland has made an adjustment about that by repositioning the axles since I purchased mine. The tongue weight has...
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    Replacement Leather Chair

    trdeal The Shenandoah uses one recliner in the dinette slide-out because it is shorter than the other models. The chair is 31" wide. If I locate the front legs just behind the slideout floor edge (not the carpet edge), it can be fully reclined with about one inch to spare.
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    Replacement Leather Chair

    trdeal Smith Bros has a web site but there is no customer service phone number or contact information. You can find the contact information on the Chamber of Commerce website at . I purchased my chair at Casey's...
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    Replacement Leather Chair

    My wife and I purchased a replacement leather chair for the swivel rocker in our Shenandoah. We wanted a chair that fits on the slide floor and reclines without hitting the wall. Also, we wanted a chair that was narrower than the original Flexsteel to give additional room for the dining chairs...
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    Flex Guard Suggestion

    We have had a discussion of the Flexguard on the Landmark posts and the solutions from Lippert include a solid brace or rigid connection on one end. They claim it is needed to support the strap. I am noticing the use of the Flexguard on other brands of trailers as I commonly look under the...
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    Rear Receiver Hitch Option

    bking I'm sorry to hear about and see the burn marks left on your coach. My dealer took the unit over to Dan's for the installation before I took delivery. That may have had some influence on their work. Larry
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    Fantastic Vent Controller

    When I adjust the auto temperature setting on the Fantastic vent controller I think I have it just where I want it and then the indicator light jumps up to the highest temperature. Is this a normal function for the controller? If not, how does one adjust the controller on the auto setting for...
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    Sticking Fan-Tastic Vents

    Dieselengineer asked if the presenter at the Goshen rally mentioned 303 Protectant. We were told to clean the unit occasionally and use 303 Protectant on the gasket and cover. If it continues to stick, the problem may be the gasket. The unit has a lifetime guarantee and the parts are free.
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    What is the Landmarks travel weight? (before stuff)

    Rock, I have the Trailair hitch pin, a second battery, and a bike rack I placed in the storage area (50 lbs?). I added a receiver hitch on the back for a bike rack. Other than that my coach is standard with one AC and Corian countertops. To add one additional note, the Rickson forged wheels...
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    What is the Landmarks travel weight? (before stuff)

    Rock, My Shenandoah exceeded the specs. The dry weight was supposed to be 12,500 lbs. The dry weight before loading for travel was actually 13,300 lbs. The travel weight was 14,500. The hitch pin weight dry was suposed to be approximately 2,300 lbs. The actual weight before loading was 3,200...
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    Flexguard, Where's the steel?

    I will try once again. On page 12 of the BigHorn construction booklet found on the Heartland website the Flexguard is described as "a rubber coated spring steel" product. That would mean to me that the steel bands are imbedded in the rubber or plastic throughout the length of the product. The...
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    Flexguard, Where's the steel?

    Scott, According to the BigHorn construction description on your website, the Flexguard is supposed to have steel bands buried in the plastic. I can't find any steel in my flexguards and both have broken off at the rigid ends. Are you sure that this product was/is manufactured as described...
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    Are the grey water tanks connected?

    Thanks for your responses. I get a bit nervous when I have another day to go and one of the tanks is filling up. I like the idea to equalize the tanks by using the dump valves. I have an extra valve on the outlet that will permit that method. I should get a dump tank also.
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    Are the grey water tanks connected?

    One tank fills quicker than the other when we are parked in a site without sewer. Are the two tanks connected in some manner to permit the overflow from one to go into the other if one fills up first.
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    Fixing The Shower Door Drain Problem!

    Jeff, Since the photos are no longer attached, did you drill the holes straight down through the channel to drain the water out? Thanks.
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    My Travels & Heartland Sightings

    Following the Rally my wife and I travelled up to Green Bay, WI area then north to Duluth, MN. We took US Rt 2 west to Glacier Park and then worked our way north as far as Jasper, AB. We then drove east on Canada 16 and 1 to Winnepeg, MT. Then back down to Duluth, MN and US Rt 2 across the Upper...
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    Plastic wire support belt

    Well Folks, Guess what! The Lippert crew inspected the Flex Guard straps on my coach during the rally and stated that they were OK and didn't need any adjustments. Today I discovered that the second strap broke off at the screw end. So much for confidence and reliability. It's back to the...
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    Plastic wire support belt

    Hi Tom, Lippert looked at all of the FlexGuard installations at the rally and replaced several of them. They stated that Heartland was the only company that was having problems with the installations. They use the same support straps in other brands. Rather than put in a hinge, they added a...
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    TV Tray

    Good job, Ken! Filling the hole with a dowel is a great idea.
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    Factory Delivery

    The closest dealer to the factory is Great Lakes RV Center in Elkhart. Try them for a comparitive quote. They have a web site at
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    TV Tray

    Ken, Just one more thought. I discovered when replacing a cabinet door that the finish is not exactly the same as the original because of a different stain lot. You could drill a larger hole through the front of the tray and fish for the cable and then cover it with a decorative washer or use a...
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    TV Tray

    Ken, I hope you have been patient in waiting for an answer to your question. The knob on the front of the tray front is on the end of a spring loaded screw. If we let the screw get loose we all will have this problem. The moral of this story is never twist the knob. I will try to help by...
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    Adjusting Brakes

    Happy I agree that jacking directly on the axle tube is not wise. All we want in this task is to lift a tire off the pavement without having to hitch up and move the trailer. For this purpose I put a block of wood on a jack and lift the axle under the spring clamps. The stress that places on the...
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    Adjusting Brakes

    There should be a rubber plug near the bottom of the plate behind the brakes. Jack up the axle until the tire is off the pavement and rotates freely. Take out the plug and insert a brake adjusting tool or small pry lever. There is a notched wheel in the assembly that will turn up and down to...
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    Microwave excessive condensaton

    Have you opened the outside vent? There are two tabs that keep it closed while traveling.
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    Trailer Leaning

    Tom, Sorry to hear about your breakdown today. If all they have to do is put in new bolts you may still make it to the rally. I had a trailer where the shackle bolts wore throught the end of the shackles because they rotated in the shackles rather than in the spring loop. In your case, it sounds...
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    Trailer Leaning

    Tom, Do the spring shackles look the same on both sides of the trailer? They are the metal straps that bolt on the end of the spring and then to the Mor/ryde plate.
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    Plastic wire support belt

    svd, The rigid attachment point forces a small area just beyond the post to flex as much as 81 degrees from closed to open positions. Just as a wire will break if flexed next to a rigid point, the Flexguard also breaks in time. The center of the belt also bends quite severely in the closed...
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    Plastic wire support belt

    Hi svd, In my opinion, that is not a fix. Actually it is a good illustration why it breaks on the ends. Was it ever tested for durability? Sorry, I know you can't answer that question and you can probably sense my impatience with this matter. I would like to see proof that the FlexGuard will...
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    distance between tires

    I was making a pair of tire blocks today and discovered that the street side tires were 1" closer together than the other side. In measuring the frame height, the street side was 1/2" lower. When I jacked up the street side to make both the same height the tires came apart to the same distance...
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    brake setting

    I was reading the "setting the power" section of Prodigy again and it states "If the trailer wheels lock up, slightly reduce power..." There is no requirement for the wheels to lock up but if they do, reduce the power setting to a point just before wheel lock up. I don't want to give the...
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    brake setting

    Busted2341, I only have an opinion but not enough experience with this coach to be certain. A heavy coach with fresh tires may have too much adhesion to skid on dry pavement. I can feel the brakes dragging but I'm nervous about not having enough power applied to get stopped in an emergency. That...
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    brake setting

    If you are using a Tekonsha Prodigy controller, what is your average setting for the Landmark RV? Which boost level do you use? When I first pulled my Landmark a brake light wire was connected in error to the plug. // Although full power was going...
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    bighorn or mobile suite

    Jackbuck, I think the Mobile Suites is an upgrade from Sunnybrook designs. One of the Sunnybrook owners decided to split and start his own luxury RV company using some of the Sunnybrook ideas. MS would compare with Landmark in price.
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    Additional wide angle mirrors

    I appreciated the responses to this thread and I looked at the Power Vision aux. mirrors that were suggested. Previous to the post I purchased a smaller set of crescent shaped mirrors by Hercules. The PV aux mirrors didn't seem to be much better except for a couple of inches more mirror surface...
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    My Truck and Trailer Weights

    I finally weighed my Shenandoah today. The tanks were all dry, some kitchen, bath and bedroom items and 50 lbs in the storage area. The trailer weighed 13,300 lbs. Hitch weight was 3,220 lbs. Total weight with truck was 20,400 lbs. My truck has a 3,300 lb. hitch max and GCWR of 22,000 lbs. It...