Search results

  1. JohnDar

    Bighorn Cottage Aroma

    I've been pack-ratting a left over 20 sf. package of cedar closet liner ever since Forest City went out of business a millenia ago. Had used it in our first house to panel a wall in the living room. What to do with it??? After seeing some other models with cedar in the closets, it dawned on...
  2. JohnDar

    Heartland population boom in my campground

    OK, maybe not a population boom, but there are now four Heartlands here, including mine. There's the BH3200 next to me, a Landmark Grand Canyon down one road, and a BC2950 in the other direction. So far, I've only met the folks with the BH3200.
  3. JohnDar

    No Place is Immune

    This storm occurred in Michigan yesterday. The campground is several miles east of our subdivision.
  4. JohnDar

    Cabinet shelves

    Looking for a way to utilize the wasted space at the top of cabinets on either side of the fridge and not have to dig to find stuff at the back, I made these inserts from 1/2" plywood I had on hand. Nothing fancy, just a 1/4" dado on the sides, just below the tops and a 1/4" rabbet on the shelf...
  5. JohnDar

    Foot Rest (sort of a mod)

    Dar likes to sit on the sofa and watch TV in the BH. She also likes to put her tootsies up. So, on orders, I made her this custom-sized foot stool. I even did the sewing (machine) for the fabric on it. Used an old store-bought one we had for the model.
  6. JohnDar

    12V Light Intensity Changes

    There were some posts in the past about the 12V lights suddenly getting brighter or dimmer in some rigs. During our last visit to ours, we experienced that one night. A small 120V lamp did not change, but the two 12V wall scounces that were on did. Suddenly brighten, that is. Just enough to...
  7. JohnDar

    Gulf Coast

    Several of you have talked about Gulf Shores, Alabama. Here's a current photo a friend of mine that lives there posted on Facebook. We're still planning on visiting there in November, though, unless the locals abandon the area.
  8. JohnDar

    Re: Converter Problem??????

    Re: Converter Problem?????? Not sure of the layout of your rig, but the converter is usually located behind the basement walls. Look for a device like the photo. I've also attached Progressive Dynamics website for you. If you find it, the fuses are located next to the cooling fan...
  9. JohnDar

    Cleaning the BigHorn

    Well, today was another "maintenance" day at Camp Gotchurwallet. Cleaned the roof, slide toppers, electric and window awnings, and the rest of the rig. Looks pretty darn good for two hours work. Got 99% of the gypsy moth spray off, too (campground had that done when the township did it). I read...
  10. JohnDar

    Charge Wizard Pendant

    I finally got it working. Seems one of the modular plugs I used to extend the cord was not fully crimped onto the wiring. Corrected that and now it's blinking NORMAL mode. And I finally got the black crud off the underside of the electric awning. Nothing like extension poles for brushes and...
  11. JohnDar

    Underbed Storage

    I finally got around to cutting the plywood panel under the bed to place a plastic tote in the empty space. Wife is happy with that, got the extra set of bedding and the electric blanket in there. Checked the wiring under the bed, too. The one to the forward outlet was rubbing on the metal...
  12. JohnDar

    Slide Floor Exterior Trim

    Well, today I finally installed the aluminum trim to cover the exposed edges of my slide floors (except the bedroom). Rather than mess with the sill cap from HD, I stopped into a nearby siding dealer and had them bend up six pieces of L-moulding for me, cut to the lengths I needed and 1 1/4"...
  13. JohnDar

    Cyclone in Flint, MI

    Spotted a Cyclone being pulled by a red Dodge with Canadian plates (might have been Minnesota, too) at Miller Rd. & I-75 today. Looked like the rig was getting onto the southbound freeway entrance. We'll be heading back up to our rig Sunday afternoon for a two week stay. Checked the extended...
  14. JohnDar

    Waste Valves 101

    Found this over on Looked interesting for folks who are not familiar with waste valves.
  15. JohnDar

    Global Warming Wanted

    Well, sitting here in northern lower Michigan in the beginning of May, it started out in the mid-60's and sunny. Right now, it's raining, 42 degrees and heading lower. Forecast is 2 - 5" of snow this weekend...that's SNOW. Or is that just second-string Al's dandruff? At home, I've mothballed...
  16. JohnDar

    New Season

    Well, tomorrow's the day we pull the BH back up to our seasonal site at Indian River, MI. Been putting stuff back in, added several gallons of "Geo Method" to the tanks to slosh around and give them a cleaning on the way. Checked out slide operations, all good. The front and rear jacks seem to...
  17. JohnDar

    Trail Aire Equaflex Question

    While I was poking around under my rig today, I noticed that my EquaFlex stabilizers have two zerk fittings on each of them (under the road dust). Never noticed them before (dang trifocals). Are these the "wet bolts" I've heard tell about? If so, what is the lubrication for them? Can't find any...
  18. JohnDar

    New Locks

    After reading the earlier posts about the entire world having a 751 key, I ordered, received, and installed tubular cam locks in all of my compartment doors. Got them online from Mr.Lock. The 1 1/8" barrel replaces the OEM locks without a problem. And for a plus: Made in USA. I know they...
  19. JohnDar

    Basement of Doom, the Sequel

    OK, I've finally found the tool to remove the stainless steel cinch rings. It is not a TILE nipper, it is a 10" CONCRETE Nipper, found at Lowe's in the Tool Dept., not the floor tile area. Looking again at Alan's home video, I can see that is what he used, as well. The TILE nipper jaws to not...
  20. JohnDar

    Escape from the Basement of Doom

    I'm done (well, almost). Finally got the Charge Wizard pendant connected and the leaking PEX joint replaced. The modified basement walls are installed, too. I went to Radio Shack to find the handset size connectors, but they didn't have them. The clerk knew what I meant, but said the only...