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  1. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Thanks Steve and Patti; Sounds like my kind of cookin'. See ya there.
  2. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Thanks Jack and Judy. See ya there!
  3. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Cableman; I talked to them last week. They had a couple of spots then, just because they are adding spots daily. Give them a call ASAP and see if you can get a spot. We'd love to have you!
  4. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Dave; If you think about it send me your HOC# so I can enter it on sheet. Congrats on getting in.
  5. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Dick and Reta; Tell Ms. Reta that I appreciate the Banna Pudding. It will be posted post haste.
  6. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Thanks Linda, Dick, and Fran. See ya there!
  7. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Good eye Ray, and good choice.
  8. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    We also have an additional spot other than the last one I mentioned. Call me for details. If you know of anyone who was wanting a spot and didn't think there was room, let me know. 386-424-8643.
  9. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Bimmy; I had a meatball entry on my PM before I got yours. Is there anything else you could bring? Sorry but I was at Williston when I got first message and didn't get it posted till today.
  10. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Dave; Thanks for asking. I had a cancellation yesterday due to unforseen circumstances. Call me at 386-424-8643 and I'll give you details on how to get that spot. Mickey
  11. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Thanks for all who are sending me notes about potluck. I'm posting them on Post #1, first page way back when we started this thread. Check out what is already there to get ideas. Keep them coming!
  12. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Bob; Yes dear I go for the food. It's fantastic!
  13. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    A BIG THING I MISSED FOR RALLY; Bonnie is having a Girls Round Table Discussion, Saturday Noon, and would like girls to attend. Topics will be relating to common issues like, storage solutions, full timming, coach mods (easy), crafts, and more. I'll interject that the subject of husbands are...
  14. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Eric; Thanks....I'll bring pics of the truck so you guys can give me more ideas. Bonnie says NOOOOOOOOOOOO! But I'll do it anyway. Just remember it's not done, but we are getting ready to pull off the bed to sandblast and paint the bed, media blast and paint the cab, then just put it all...
  15. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Bob; Tell Sue thank you for me. She will need a BIG bowl of potato salad...just for me! Also the Pistachio-Pineapple Delight sounds great. You know this is the hard part. Reading about what all the girls and guys are bringing. I'm sitting here hungry!
  16. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    I'm posting pot luck dishes on post #1, keep tehm coming.
  17. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Thanks June and Nancy for pot luck info
  18. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Eric; I'm glad you guys were able to shoehorn your coach into it's berth. Big yachts have bow thrusters to move sideways. Sounds like a possible money making venture....bow thrusters for land yachts:) Will you, Dick, and the girls be in Williston Sunday? If so Bonnie and I would like to...
  19. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Ken; So sorry your not going to be able to make it. I'll check on reservation cost for you. Maybe we can do something, especially if someone else takes your spot. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
  20. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Jessica just PM'd me and she is bringing Chili. Next?
  21. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Big Announcements for Williston Rally; It's time to start laying out more details for This rally. First off at Tampa, I met the new owner of Weigh-It. This is a portable scale service that would like to come to Rally and weigh coaches for the group. He would be set up before rally and you could...
  22. M

    EVENT: RV Show: FL, TAMPA - 1/16/2013 to 1/20/2013

    Thanks Kelly; I can't beat Gus on driving, 2 hrs and I was in the house. I had a great time at Tampa and want to thank everyone for helping out.
  23. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Keith; Sure can. Looking forward to having you and Carol at our show. It was nice seeing you at Tampa this weekend. See you again soon
  24. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Steve and Patti Lester Mac and Renae Shea Tommy and Linda Sexton Thanks for joining us at our March Rally. We're really looking forward to it. We're at the Tampa Super Show with Jim and lots of great Heartland friends, and didn't get back to you quickly. Looks like another great Rally...
  25. M

    EVENT: RV Show: FL, TAMPA - 1/16/2013 to 1/20/2013

    Lance; We'll see you there. Safe travels!
  26. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Thanks Bonnie; It's no problem. I am the other half of a good team as well:) Just ask her!
  27. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Thanks Tim and Jean Mai for joining us. We hope to warm you up a bit while you are here. Since you are thinking about joining the CLUB, I just wanted to make you aware that everyone who attends a Heartland Rally will never be the same. You will make new friends that will last a lifetime, use...
  28. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Jack and Judy; Looking forward to seeing you guys again, especially in such a nice place. See you there.
  29. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    bimmy; Thanks for joining us. We're looking forward to meeting you and Jean. I need a little info since I can't pull up other chapters rosters. Please send me your name and HOC # so we can list you as attendees. You are going to be amazed at this RV resort. It has some of the nicest...
  30. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Harry and Jessica; Yes I got the PM and thanks. It's geat that you are already there. That new back part is starting to look good. I was there this weekend just looking around, but didn't know you were there then. Looks like it's gonna be a blast in Williston!!!
  31. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Richard and Bonnie; Thanks for joining us. We know you will have a great time. This is a fantastic place with lots of great facilities. See ya there! Oh before I forget. I need your HOC #. I can't pull yours up since you are not in Florida Chapter.
  32. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Bob; New is a relative thing. That meant new to me. Even though their are a lot of new parts the platform we started with has some whiskers on it. Let's call it a restoration of the truck and a new bed.
  33. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    jayc; Thanks, but it takes a lot to get there:)
  34. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Bob; I'm building a new totor. It's a Peterbilt 359. Gonna be big and purdy, with lots of guts to pull us up those hills out west:)
  35. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Squatty; Thanks for the reccomendation. We'll check it out and I'm sure some of us will partake.
  36. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Boys and Girls; It's official. Bonnie and I are going full time. The Rally in Williston will be our last Rally before we launch into the unknown...! Really we are workamping for the Spring and Summer in Iowa at Adventureland. We are looking forward to seeing all of our friends at the Rally in...
  37. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Williston - 3/22/2013 to 3/24/2013

    Hogan and Randy; Thanks for joining us. I promise you'll have a great time. looking forward to seeing all of our friends at Williston.