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  1. rockhounders

    Small Freezers

    I don't know if this is the right place for my question but has anyone used the washer/dryer space in the closet for a small freezer? I have read a lot about the noise and inconvience of having the washer/dryer in the bedroom and thought a small freezer would be better. Any ideas or thoughts?
  2. rockhounders

    Hard to light oven

    Is there such a thing as an oven that can be lit by ignition spark like the stove top? If not, why? If yes, where can I find it? We have a L shaped kitchen and it's hard to light the oven without almost standing on my head and holding in the pilot for what seems like an hour and then the...
  3. rockhounders

    light switch??

    Hi all, we have a 2012 Elkridge 34TSRE and are really scratching our heads about the switch beside the breaker box just inside the door. Its a double switch and one works the light under the outside steps but what is connected to the other one?? Nothing lights up when we flip it on. Someone told...
  4. rockhounders

    Black Water Odor

    Has anyone else had this problem? When we start our ac it sucks up the odor from the black water pipe and sends it inside our unit. We have tried several different kinds of products to eliminate the smell but nothing seems to help. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  5. rockhounders


    We are full timers so we want to be comfortable in our home. Under our picture window is a computer desk, fireplace, stereo, and tv that is hidden when not in use. The sofa is on the kitchen slide. We want to do this: get rid of the computer desk, move the rest of the things to the kitchen...