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  1. R

    Main sound system

    I have a 2021 landmark Newport, and I’m trying to figure out which HDMI connection controls the surround speakers for the main TV. Has anyone used the Jenson sound system with the TV?
  2. R

    2021 Landmark Newport Thermostat Sensor Rest

    It shows that is 80° inside but is definitely not it's cold in here. How can I reset the thermostat sensor
  3. R

    2021 Landmark Newport Thermostat Sensor Rest

    Hello everyone, I have a 2021 landmark Newport and my KIB Multi-Plex system wall-mounted touchscreen tablet shows a very odd thermostat reading. Is there a way to reset The thermostat sensor? The reading on the thermostat reads 80° when in reality inside the RV feels like in the 60°
  4. R

    Exterior USB connection port for owners name plaque

    Connected my new owners name plaque to the exterior usb connection port and it does not work. Could their be a reason why?