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  1. J

    Need Lithium Capable Charger This is what I use with 3-100Ah batteries.
  2. J

    Slide out side marker

    Good evening Heartland peeps had a tire delamination yesterday on my 2016 Road Warrior 420. Tread took out all of my wiring under my slide out (drivers side). All wiring has been repaired except for side marker. Passenger side is connected to green/white, rear drivers red marker is...
  3. J

    Best slide topper?

    I have had the best luck with Carefree of Colorado. Great customer service as well.
  4. J


    I know this is a relatively older thread but wanted to share for any future reference. Easily added a fireplace in our 420.
  5. J

    Loss of power to one circuit

    Thank you everyone for the suggestions. Two different issues were found with the help of a Klein tracer. Found another fuse panel hidden in the upper cabinet in the garage. And also found a severed wire in the entertainment cabinet.
  6. J

    Loss of power to one circuit

    Negative. And everything else works to designed intent.
  7. J

    Loss of power to one circuit

    Good day! 2016 RW 420. New to me. Had bulb out on light fixture over my kitchen island. Went to replace bulb, tripped surge protector coming from my house. Reset, now no power to that fixture, the touchpad in the garage, the led switch under living room TV or the CO2 detector below that leading...