Pass Thru Storage Door Shock Mounting Bracket


I have a 2009 3210.On the pass thru storage compartment doors there are brackets mounted on the door that hold one end of the gas shock that holds the door in the open position. There are two brackets on each door. One on the left, one on the right side.
To date I have had 3 of the brackets rip off of the door.
What is the problem here?
Do you have a fix for this? Maybe a kit with some type of backing plate and bolts to go through the door.
I think that the wood in the door absorbs moisture (looks like plywood or some type of press board) then the screws holding the bracket just rip out of the wood.
I don't believe this is an isolated incident because I have friend with a 3950 and he has had the same thing happen to his doors.
What is the issue here?


Well-known member
I had the same problem with my 3912 in a wind storm, I found that the door is plywood with a laminate on top of it. The plate had been screwed into one of the "footballs" found in most plywoods where laminated wood has a void in it. after my first fix failed I used some commercial grade epoxy used to fortify rotting lumber to fill the "football".
I took the door off and laid it flat, then mixed the epoxy (it is very liquid and runny at first) and injected the epoxy into the existing holes. After waiting 24 hours cure time I re-drilled the holes in the origonal place and used #10 stainless steel screws to re-mount the bracket. I have had no problems since.
I hope this helps with our problem.