Heartlander, Len Trujillo has agreed to coordinate a pre-rally Golf Outing if sufficient interest is there.
Below is a message from Len. Golfers please read Len's message and vote in the poll ONLY if you're interested.
Below is a message from Len. Golfers please read Len's message and vote in the poll ONLY if you're interested.
We are moving to secure tee times and Save-the-Date, Wednesday October 5th, for a Golf Outing during the “Pre-Rally” at the 2016 North American Heartland Owners Rally in Las Vegas, NV.
This time of year is prime-time golfing in Las Vegas but a green fee of approximately $80.00 has been quoted at a couple of courses near the rally site.
In order to get a preliminary swipe on the head count—no solid commitment at this time—please vote in the attached poll (top of page) ONLY if you have reasonable intentions of participating. Note that we do realize your response is contingent on you successfully registering for the rally a few weeks from now.