12 volt outlet in 2013 4100 King......


Well-known member
I trust there is at least one, but I haven't been able to find it yet..... anyone? :cool:


Founders of SoCal Chapter
Our Horn has one by the stove under a cabinet and by the BR TV. Looks like a cell phone charger plug. Hope this helps.


Prolifically Gabby Member
And our BH does not. I'm not sure if there is rhyme or reason for why they do or don't put one in every rig. Our previous TT had it as part of the TV antenna amplifier outlet.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
John, I added one to the Horn in the UCD. Not hard to do. All you need is a automotive cell phone plug and install a 5amp inline fuse to the B+ side. Your Horn has 12V wires everywhere.


Well-known member
I added 2 inside (1 in the living room, 1 in the bedroom) the Bighorn, splicing into the wiring behind the wall/celing lamps. I figure the fuse at the main fuse panel on each of these circuits is enough.


Well-known member
Haven't found it yet.....but did find a really good way to install an inverter to power the outlets. Guess that needs to go in another of the many forums here....


Well-known member
Haven't found it yet.....but did find a really good way to install an inverter to power the outlets. Guess that needs to go in another of the many forums here....

I think that 12 volt DC "cigarette lighter" outlets were discontinued in Heartlands even before my 2008 model was built, for whatever reasons. If you want them, you are going to have to install them yourself like I did.