2006 Landmark - How do I access the dump valves

I have a 2006 Landmark and the pull handles for the dump valves are in a docking closet. I think I have a problem with one of the valves because the pull handle cable seems like it is binding and doesn't seem to work very well. But for the life of me, I don't know how to get at the actual valve. There is a small hatch (very small) in the docking closet but no way to get to the valves through there. Can someone please tell me where the valves are and how to access the them from underneath?



Prolifically Gabby Member
To access the valves, you have to either drop the underbelly coroplast cover or cut an access port into it. If you cut, make it a 3-sided flap so you can seal it back up..

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Well-known member
Try spraying WD-40 or some other lubricant on the cable when you have it pulled out. Push the cable in and out a few times and then spray some more. I had one that had a similar problem and it would loosen up the cable.


Well-known member
I just went through this last year with my cable operated valves. You have to drop the plywood cover from under the basement to access the bath gray tank, and as said above either remove or cut the coroplast behind the UDC to access the galley tank. The black tank valve is right behind the UDC and is not cable operated. I replaced both of my cable operated valves with Barkely electric ones. They have been flawless in operation and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I can answer any questions you may, PM me and I'll send you my phone #.


Well-known member
On a side note: My dealer quoited $1000.00 to replace 3 valves with electric ones, and I already had two of the valves!
Just wanted to write back and say thank you for the response and the help. . it was greatly appreciated.

I think my cables are too far gone. . I have an onsite repair person on their way out to look at it. . I am not very good at things like this and way too old. . Just wanted to write back and say thank you for the response and the help. . it was greatly appreciated.

Again, thanks for the help and advice. . I managed to find a RV repair guy who is coming out to look at it. I crawled under last night and determined that this is above my pay grade. Thank you again.

