Is it bad that I keep "shopping" and looking at pictures of the interior? This is going to be a long eight weeks. I thought about going with the 3.73, but decided I really wanted the pull of the 4.10.
I'll post up pictures as soon as I can. I too thought about waiting for the factory air. I was enticed by the promise of a soft empty ride. Al (Desert Thumper) was very helpful in putting it all into perspective. First, the factory air won't be built until April at the earliest, so that means a June or July delivery. 2014s shut down in July, and the 2015s go online in August. Everything else I wanted is available now, and there are plenty of aftermarket alternatives to the factory air. My biggest fear was waiting for the cost to be released, sometime in March, and realizing it was too expensive. That would make my wait for not. At least if the factory air comes out, at a reasonable price, and is awesome I will have a brand new truck to help drown my sorrows.
With the aftermarket setup I can tailor the pump, tank and switches to allow for tire filling, horns and what not without tapping into the factory, computer controlled, warranted closed system. I think this is all a long way of saying I got impatient and really wanted a new truck, right now.