2021 Bighorn 3120 toilet slowly fills.Empty fresh tank.

My 2021 Bighorn 3120 toilet slowly fills and is back at our house with no water connected. I drained the fresh water tank at the campground before returning home. I did notice that the shower handle was slightly open. Is it possible with air being introduced through the shower headwould cause enough back pressure to slowly fill the toilet? The only water in the RV is in the hot and cold lines and 7 gallons in the hot water tank. The first day back, the toilet was close to the rim,now only rises an inch or two over 4-5 days.


Well-known member
Mine does that when the water pressure is really, really low. If by chance is your water pump on? Maybe open the sink faucet when not in use to avoid overflowing the toilet. IMO


Well-known member
The Thetford toilet seems to "free-flow" until the water pressure reaches the point to seal itself. I suggest a shutoff valve at the toilet to monitor the water flow until stable.
Mine does that when the water pressure is really, really low. If by chance is your water pump on? Maybe open the sink faucet when not in use to avoid overflowing the toilet. IMO
Yes, the water pump is off. I am getting a drip about every 2 seconds. I think I will install a shut off valve. I have never had a problem before but as I said I noticed the shower valve slightly open introducing air and possible back pressure to the water lines. Thanks