303 Cleaner wax is it worth the $$$$$$$$$$$$


Well-known member
I also just made my purchase. Will 1 Gallon take care of my 41 Footer?

Dear heavens, yes! Many times. I also use the product on the roof material itself (after cleaning) as it is a UV protectant. The roof also seems easier to clean weeks/months after applying the 303.

There was a gentleman and his wife, at the Goshen rally, who are 303 product distributors. They had the best deal I've seen so far, so I bought another gallon while there (though I did not yet need it). Shipping costs sometimes kill an otherwise good price.


I use 303 on our roof once each year. I have tested it on the sidewalls several times but it never looked good. Always looked like it was smearing or what ever was the last way I rubbed that direction showed. I never tried without sun on the fifth.