After becoming frustrated not finding anything to match my décor that will work for me I plan to build my own. The steps were so small on the metal one I had with my last rig they hurt your bare feet when climbing in and out. And being a full size adult, I would prefer a bit deeper step. I used the upper bunk in my garage for the first time over Halloween weekend and found it very difficult to get in and out of without steps. Stepping on the bunk below was just the wrong angle and once I got up and the lights were out, I was too afraid to get down until someone turned the light on. I'll post the plan and pix once complete. I do have access to oak flooring material and plan to dado the vertical supports at an angle so the steps are parallel to the floor when the ladder is leaning against the bunk. Very similar to the ones in the link from shive787 but with wider steps. This is just one of many projects planned for the winter. So many projects, so little time. Hope to get all done before spring.