with the extreme heat coming through kentucky this week and already hot temps inside while outside temps where in the lower 90s (now 105 today) we decided yesterday we needed relief and bought a portable 12000 BTU A/c after installing it worked all fine all night and for the first time in weeks we were able to sleep at a comfy 65 degrees. Now today (friday) and the campground filling up all the sudden the switch on the hook up outside keeps tripping like every 30 min to an hour... s it because more people are here for the weekend or why all the sudden is it not working anymore? like i said for like 15 hours last night til like 2pm today it worked with no problem.... we have a big country 3595 with one roof a/c and now one portable and are hooked into a 50 amp outlet.. since the rv is pre wired for 2 roof a/c units i don't think it should have a problem running a lower portable...