All the final paperwork is in the works. SF has settled on the amount that they will pay towards the trailer. It will be paid off with about $2,000 to us. The extra came from all the upgrades that we did and the extra taxes that we will have to pay because we won't have a trade-in. Farmer's Group Ins. (His company) will pay us for: motel, meals (while in IN.) broken dishes, pots, pans, skillets, etc. We canceled our service contract and will receive a check but that will also go towards a service contract on the new camper. We ordered a new camper and our monthly payment will be less and we are not out any money. So in about 6-8 weeks we will be back where we were before 8/2 with a new camper.
What did we lose or what did we gain?? A lot of unnecessary stress, lost sleep, a lot of anxiety, a bit of grief. More knowledge concerning insurance companies and how they work or don't. A much better understanding of our insurance like what it covers and does not cover. I have an excellent driving record of with 52 years, a C D L license and 10 years driving a school bus. With all that experience I am still much more cautious when entering and exiting congested areas. As always defensive driving is the best approach. We will have to re-fit, outfit and upgrade the new unit but the weather will be a lot cooler in 6 or so weeks. We've tried to share our experience here with some wonderful people and hopefully others will take away some useful information to make their camping/traveling experiences a little easier and more fun.
I've asked why bad things happen to good people. The answer I get is that usually a greater good can/does come from the experience. The guy who hit us felt very bad and apologized to both of us several times. He admitted that it was his fault so there was no insurance fight. The motel people were great, helpful and understanding. The salvage yard allowed us to store the camper until the insurance co. picks it up and they charged nothing. All insurance contacts were helpful, kind and also understanding. Communication from all parties was done in a timely manner. It's been just 16 days since the accident (11 business days) and 98% of everything is resolved. By the first of next week all monies should be delivered to all parties and except for our wait for the new camper this experience will be behind us but not forgotten. Actually the new camper will have a slightly different color and pattern to the upholstery. The wood will be of a different color to better match the upholstery and the flooring will look like wood planks which we both like. Ya gotta find the bright side and yes this is 1 of the good things that came from this event.
Thanks to all,
TeJay & Liz