Adding 2nd AC to Sundance 285TS


The 285ts has a lot of glass area so adding the foil bubble wrap makes a big improvement in daytime cooling. It is also very easy and fairly inexpensive. Also, that big dining area slide provides a lot of heat gain. It is not as well insulated as the main coach is. The floor has no insulation other than the (thin) carpet. Just a piece of 1/2 inch particle board. The roof is also thin. A 15000 AC should cool that space easily but I thin it is the glass and slides that make it difficult. I did replace the bathroom AC vent with one that will "almost" completely close as it was getting too much air. I try to avoid camping in 100+ degree weather but sometime on the way out or home, it is just necessary. Temecula should be a pretty good test.


Thanks. I may try the foil bubble wrap if I need to. Any tips on attaching it?

I did add slide toppers as well. I figured along with keeping leaves and debris off the slides and out of the rig, they would provide shade for the slides as well. Should help the heat load some. I know there is a hole in the foam duct work near the bathroom vent. I just haven't had time to try to address that yet.


I only covered the fixed portion of the two really large windows leaving the small slider and awning window at the bottom uncovered (and usable for ventilation if needed). On most of the windows I could just tuck the edges of the foil into the window frame and then lower the shade and it stayed rather well. On a couple of windows (double hung behind the dinette and slider in the kitchen) I used some small pieces of adhesive velcro that seem to work pretty well, again closing the shade does pretty well even on those windows but needed a little help.