As with life, things change and it is time to move on from the trailer. I am not in a financial state where they must go so I can live, but wife got a promotion and our time available to go has been cut. So the cost of maintaining it for those 2 trips a year will not be worth it. With that, she is now required to start her doctorite...which is 3 years and 9000 a semester, so to have the ability to pay cash would be huge. I have listed both the truck and trailer up for sale, I am getting bites on the truck and none on the trailer. So the issue becomes do I sell the truck and have the trailer sitting at home until I find a buyer...(it should be noted that I have access to 5th wheel hitched trucks to move it if need be and without a truck payment I can afford to off load the trailer for less to get it off my hands). Then the idea popped in about renting it out, I see companies that do it and people that do it themselves...anyone do either?