We currently have a 2010 3580RE Big Horn that after a rough start and a few hiccups along the way, we are very happy with the unit per se. However with time and experience we are looking to trade next spring. We found the new 3010 Big Horn fit most of our current needs but we also found several shortfalls for us RVing 4 to six months per year, So that being said, we have talked to RV sellers on both sides of the border and it has become VERY clear, the staff either don't know the product line or are interested in selling only what's on the lot. Mention alterations and their eyes will glaze over rapidly. The changes we are interested in are (1) a full vinyl or laminate floor with full surface gluing front to back with carpet only on the chair side so the slide tracks are covered. Rug is nice but a terrible dirt trap when you're in the desert or on a sandy beach (2)a smaller shower cabinet like in our current 3580 (3) make a linen cabinet in the bathroom where you can actually fully open the door. Current door on the bottom in the 3010 bangs into the toilet so it opens about half way making the cabinet just about useless. (4) A solid, easily accessible mounting area for a toilet paper holder would be nice. Eight inch wall panel won't hold and restricts access to the toilet. (5) Behind the TV (when it's up) put a smaller lake view window (same size as what is on the side) and (6) put two vertical cabinets either side of this window from the counter space to the cabinet above. Of course we would expect this could also alter the pricing but it would use only product that Heartland has now or has had recently.