Hi Fordfxr,
On the slide, you may have some control valves near the hydraulic pump that can be manually operated. If one has been opened manually, fluid can move through the valve allowing movement of the slide. I don't know which direction is closed, but you might look at the pump and hoses and check the valves.
On the fridge, you may have 2 battery cutoff switches near the batteries. Both need to be on. The inverter has to be manually started after battery power is restored. For more info, check the block diagram and diagnostic flowchart in our owner-written
Residential Refrigerator Guide.
On the water under the rig, there could be any of several causes. If you towed through heavy rain, water may have gotten into the underbelly and later drained out at the site. It's also possible that there's a problem with the internal check valve in the water pump. It prevents water from flowing backward into the fresh tank, causing overflow. Another possibility is that the 4-way Anderson Valve is leaking internally, allowing water to overflow the fresh tank. The fresh tank has overflow fittings that usually are routed outside the frame. There've been a few cases where the overflows weren't brought out and overflowing water collects in the underbelly.