ATF: Landmark - packages


Well-known member
I cannot seem to find out what is in the exterior and interior package that I paid a total of 11,200 for, can anyone tell me?

Phil Smith

Retired South Carolina Chapter Leader
I'm not sure what they have quoted you but here is a link // to the MSRP for Landmark. What I see here is the interior and exterior packages are $3500 ea. They show what is included.


Well-known member
thanks, that explains what is in the package, now I must wonder why the MSRP sheet that came with mine list the 2 packages at 5600 each, seems to me that it is just extra profit.


Well-known member
thanks, that explains what is in the package, now I must wonder why the MSRP sheet that came with mine list the 2 packages at 5600 each, seems to me that it is just extra profit.
Sounds like the dealer made up a price sheet to show you, with their version of "MSRP".


Well-known member
well if I take the order sheet from above and price out my new Landmark San Antonio ,it comes out to 116,000 which is more than the MSRP that came with mine of 110,403 so I am uncertain of how the pricing works on these but at least now I know what comes with the packages.


Well-known member
All of the MSRPs on that sheet are negotiable with the dealer . . . that does not necessarily mean the dealer will negoitiate. I doubt that many members of this forum have paid the total of the full MSRPs for their rigs. Between RV show pricing and incentives, internet wholesalers and face to face negotiations many have received very good pricing.


Well-known member
Bob34787 have you already purchased the unit? The point may be moot if you've already purchased. If not then you're asking the right questions. Good luck with your purchase.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
yes i have owned it for about 2 weeks now so pricing is not an issue, I just could bot get an answer about the packages from the dealer.