ATF: North Trail - water pump


Staff member
What year and model is your North Trail?
One thing you could do is turn on the pump momentarily and listen for it. That should guide you in the right direction.



Well-known member
In the North Trail 26LRSS, the water pump is under the stove. There is a wood panel held in by four screws that must be removed to access the pump. The furnace air intake is right next to the panel. I don't know if the location is the same on all North Trails.


In my 2012 30QOK the pump is under the seat in the dinnet the one closest to the door. The other Dinnet seat has the furnace.

:DEasy to get to, easy to winterize. :( Takes up space I wish I had for storeage.


In my 2012 30QOK the pump is under the seat in the dinnet the one closest to the door. The other Dinnet seat has the furnace.

:DEasy to get to, easy to winterize. :( Takes up space I wish I had for storeage.

I had my son put in a wall/divider so we could use at least half the space for storage. This year I think we are putting in a door.