ATF: Road Warrior - Fuel Station Pump


1st attempt to use onboard fuel station failed....likely user error so maybe ya'll can help

Turned on fuel station inside fuse panel
Turned on fuel station pump at fuel station
Pulled trigger and in trigger will not depress....seems like the bronze looking element is stuck but perhaps it is not designed to depress.

Note : I did skip the step of attaching the grounding wire to anything.....any ideas or do I need to replace nozzle.

Warren and Trixie


Well-known member
On your control panel inside, activate the 15 minute auxilary tank by pressing twice. You will see a red light turn on letting you know it is activated. Then I put the ground on a metal part of the frame of the panel door. Turn the on valve inside the compartment of the aux tank and start pumping.


Thx Desert Thumper but I am concerned that the nozzle piston is frozen (stuck).....when I squeeze the trigger it will not depress no matter now hard I squeeze



Well-known member
I would agree that there is something frozen in there and if you are still under warranty you might want to call your local service center to see about replacement.


Well-known member
The pump handle works just like the ones at the gas station except it doesn't have the auto shut off feature when the tank is full. If you can't squeeze the handle it's broken.

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ok problem solved....the brass plunger was indeed totally stuck in place.......unscrew the TOP end of the nozzle, remove the spring and washers........use a WD-40 like agent and tap a tad....or in my case a TAD and it freed up.....good as new, thanks to all for helping and inspiring.....I believe this was due to nonuse and possibly previous owner carried diesel....not sure