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You probably have an inline fuse in the front compartment, but I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the Sundance layout. But I'm sure another owner will jump in pretty quickly to guide you.
You probally have a 30 amp inline fuse thats normally behind the battery. It's black in color, approx. 1" square and 3/8" thick. (has a flip top exposing a 'green 30amp 2 prong fuse).
Raising the jacks too high will blow this fuse. Painting a stripe on the upper jack tubing 1" before the full retraction point will stop this fuse from blowing.
This fuse is a good thing because it protects the motor better than a circuit breaker. I have two inline re-setable circuit breakers in this loop and they have never tripped.
X2 for the stripe or piece of tape on the leg to show the max distance you can raise it and not blow that fuse. I blew mine the day we picked the rig up and then drew a line on the leg with a sharpie so I don't raise too high. Haven't blown it since.
I vote for a circuit breaker. It wont hurt anything, it just resets after an overload and your off and running again. This why all vehicles have a circuit breakers for power windows, seats, and even headlites have circuit breaker built into them.
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