Hey everyone,
I am pleased to report that I have finally completed this project. I haven't taken pictures yet, but will post some if anyone requests them.
First the starting point. Measured from about a foot away, the stock fan was making a whopping 71 dBa of noise. No wonder we could hear the blasted fan from all the way at the back of our trailer.
So, got out the tools and after about an hour I had removed the old fan and had installed a pair of computer case fans in its place. The pair of fans seem to move more air, and do it much quieter. Measured from the same distance, the fans now only generate 56 dBa!
The fans I chose have nice red LEDs, so now someone can use the toilet at night without turning on the big bright lights and waking people up.
I'm impressed with the results and highly recommend this project to anyone who is sensitive to fan noise.