Bathroom sky light diagram


Well-known member
Hi everyone,
This may?? need to be moved to appropriate place?, I have a bathroom sky light that is leaking (around the edges) during heavy rains---How is this put together (attached to the roof?--It looks like there are screws on the inside (inside shower on the ceiling), but not sure if they then attach to a nut on the roof? Once I figure out how it is attached I guess I would take it apart and then reseal and install??


Well-known member
I believe there is an outer shell up on the roof and a separate inner shell inside above the shower.
You leak would be coming from the shell on the roof. You could either have a bad seal job or a cracked skylight from hitting a tree or something. If it's a bad seal you can just get up there and remove all of the old Dicor sealant and replace it with new fresh stuff. It's really easy to apply with a cualking gun. You could probably find a YouTube video or two if your unsure of how to apply it.


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Well-known member
Thanks for the help---You are correct there is an inside liner that I took down from inside. I went to the roof and it appears the outer shell is ok, just needs to be resealed--so a few more question----the best way to take off the old dicor? When replacing should I use dicor or etherbond? Is there some type of gasket that goes under the dome prior to putting on roof and sealant?


Well-known member
I use a plastic tool and work it up.
like these


So this is what I'd do
Use the buetal tape underneath to seal it to the rubber roof the screw it down and apply the dicor all the way around and over the top of each screw.

That would be my approach at it.

Hope that helps.


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