Do all Heartlands come with a battery disconnect switch?
What, you don't know how to use a 1/2" box wrench to remove a battery cable while in storage? If the LP detectors had switches, there would probably a few more exploding RV's out there due to forgetful owners not turning them back on. I believe code requires they not be switched.
Installing a cut-off switch takes all of about 15 minutes.
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I just purchased a 2013 North Trail 24RBS which does not have a cut-off switch. Where would be the best place to mount a switch to protect it from the elements? I don't want to start drilling too many holes.
I'm assuming your battery is in a box out on the tongue of the trailer, right? If it is, you could trace one of the cables back into the trailer near the fuse panel and mount it there. Or easier still, is to get the cut-off switch that mounts to the battery terminal itself. Some look like a knife switch, others are a rotary type gizmo.
This is one example of the knife switch type. You can search RV parts suppliers for them.
I'm thinking it might be a good idea to bypass your battery switch with the wire that powers the break away switch and run it direct to the battery. In the rare event you might start towing without turning on the power your break away switch will still be powered up if needed...Don