timed daily desulphation mode
Why are you doing that?
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Unfortunately, the factory location for the battery is in the side compartment just big enough for one group 27 battery and the hydraulic pump for the slides. I can't go any larger battery in that location. If I add a second battery, it would have to go in the front generator compartment and run to the first battery over in the side compartment.
Maybe one single battery would be sufficient for our usage. Maybe, the original battery was old or just exceeded its lifespan. Not sure what I'm going to do yet.
Since most RV batteries installed by dealer seem to have less then dubious quality - I'd say you are ahead of the game.
Next, make sure you buy a deep cycle, not a starting battery
Either one new one to replace what you have or two new batteries IN THE SAME COMPARTMENT.
You can't just run wires to the other battery over a distance. You need to keep voltage drop to a minimum. The weaker of the 2 will draw down the stronger.
And if you go to one of the newer technologies, AGM, Gel or TPPL, you need to make sure your charger is matched to it (probably not).
I replaced my batteries April 2011, two 6 volt Gel's. I have been thinking about changing them out for the past year or so as the truck doesn't charge enough and they are starting to get a little weak.
So 5+ years with those. I do leave the trailer plugged in most of the time, so they are kept charged.
Cyclone batteries