Best route from Saskatoon, Sask. to Heartland factory in Elkhart?


We are preparing to tackle the very long journey from our home in Saskatoon, Sask. to the factory in Elkhart. Our preferred route heading south of Winnipeg on Highway 75 (connecting to I-29) is now closed due to flooding and will likely remain closed for many weeks. Since our our Bighorn 3670RL is not a wee bit of a thing, we are concerned about detours and road conditions. My husband is a very experienced driver and our Ford 450 Dually has hauled this trailer through some spectacularly evil weather conditions (Salt Lake City blizzard during rush hour, Monida Pass glare ice for 20 miles, etc.) and we have never had an incident. I know the vast majority of Forum readers are American, and most have limited Canadian road experience (should I apologize now for the horrific highway conditions?) but perhaps someone can give us current route suggestions before we leave on Thursday, May 9, for the long trek. Even if you could give advice with the stretch of our trip from Fargo to Elkhart it would be so appreciated.
By the way, I have to put in a word for the amazing service that Heartland extends to its customers, near and far. Our questions are answered in a respectful and timely fashion as well as being knowledgable and courteous at all times. We are eager to meet the helpful service department and to see the birthplace of our beloved "Moose".
Travel advice, anyone?


Well-known member
I have travelled south of Weyburn/Estevan on Sk39 and through Portal. US52 through Minot to Jamestown. I94 to Fargo but I suspect they are flooded too. You could go south to I90 on US281 - then straight east through Sioux Falls to Elkhart. I travelled 281 pulling a 5ver is 2005 - road was rough then but undergoing lots of construction - I'm sure they are done now.



Thanks for the advice, Brian! As of right now, Highway 75 is no longer closed but I will print out your suggestions in case we have to use that route on the way home after our warranty work. We appreciate your help.