Big Country 3250TS, 2011 model


I recently had a blow out on the right side. Now I need to get a 2 piece fender to replace the damaged one. Can I get one from the factory or must I go to a dealer? Yes, it was Towmax tire. Dean


Call Heartland Customer Service, 574-262-8030 or 877-262-8032, have your VIN when you call and they should be able to ship the parts to you. Be sure and let them know you are a Heartland Owners Club member and you should get a little discount also.

Jim M


Well-known member
We had a Blowmax on ours a couple years ago and when the dealer ordered the parts from Heartland they sent the wrong blue graphic. The stripe was not as wide as needed to be. had to reorder which delayed the repair.
Guess I am just saying that when you talk to HL you might want to double check on this to possibly save some delay and frustration. You would think that when they have your VIN# that they should know EXACTLY what you need, but apparently sometimes that does not happen.


Well-known member
I just read your post again and noticed you only need the fender. Sounds like you might have been lucky. Our blowout not only destroyed the fender but also did extensive damage to the J wrap. It was the graphics on the J wrap I was referring to. I also had to order a fender (2 pieces) for a replacement on the other side last year and the folks at HL parts were terrific and like Jim said, be sure let them know you are a HOC member and get your discount.


Southeast Region Director-Retired
Our fender on the Big Country door side cracked. We had to do the same thing in that we ordered only that fender. Take a picture of where the fender is suppose to fix showing the tape measurements and then take a picture of the other side so the parts department can try to match your fender the best they can. Our cracked fender was a two piece so we also took measurements of the small piece as well. They sent a fender that best match the original but it was a little off, not enough to fuss about cuz who's going to compare both fenders at one time. Remember that materials change thru time so getting the exact fender will be difficult.


Hey Dean, Wheels RV repaired my Big Country last year when the Towmax tire blew. Also damaged the entire lower section. Cost me the deductible and a new tire but repair was fine and decal properly in place. Ron