Big Horn Sighting


Retired Virginia Chapter Leaders
When I left the Americamps Campground just north of Richmond, VA this morning, on my way to work, I noticed a Big Horn a couple of rows over. By the time I got back this evening, they had pulled out. Wanted to stop and say hello this morning but I didn't think they'd appreciate me knocking on their door at 6 AM. Sorry I missed them:(


Retired Virginia Chapter Leaders
Keith, if you get any further north, give me a shout.

Thanks Gus. Unfortunately not this trip. I should make it later on towards summer and I'll holler. Right now, I've got to finish teaching this class this weekend and then head back to Tidewater Monday morning. Got one more weekend enjoying the heck out of this new Landmark, next weekend in Newport News then it's 3 weeks of on the road, no camping.

Sure will be glad when I can retire. Of course DW says I don't work now. Just go play everyday. Who else gets to go ride motorcycles and get paid for it!!?:)