I did Ask the factory in the Bighorn section and it has now been almost 4 weeks. The post is there for all to read and still no response from the Factory. I was in hope that by also posting it here that some like Jim or Ray would see it and maybe give a hint to the factory that they need to address this issue, if for no other reason to show that they care. The lack of response to me seems like they are dodging what should be a easy question. If they are concerned about someone forgetting to turn off the tank flush they should address that issue in their response. My intent is not do make trouble but to get advise from the Factory. Am I asking too much??
I have checked back and you have not received any reply from the factory. But you have received reply's from some of the most experienced people on the rv world. People that live in their units full time have given you the best advice you can receive. I think these folks have given you better advice than anyone at the factory can, because they just build them. Most of the folks at the factory do not use an rv on a full time basis, therefore their knowdledge of what works best to flush a black tank is not from experence, but from reading and ocasional weekend usuage.
From my own personal experence, I dump the black tank and have the water hooked to the flush unit and turned on. I let the tank empty and close the dump valve and run water for 2 or 3 or 4 minutes and dump again. I might do this 4, 5, 6 or 7 times, untill I feel sure it is clean and see that I am getting nothing but clear water coming from the black tank. The one thing I do is NEVER leave the water running in the flush sprayer with out being right there at the valve and water shut off. Once I am satisfied that the tank is clean, I turn off flusher and close dump valve. I then go inside and dump 3 or 4 bowls of water through the toilet and add chemicals. Some people do not use chemcials, that is a personal preference. This has been working for me for a long time.
I will also forward a note to Jim B to ask him to send this thread to factory personell.
Jim M