Blocking a heating vent

My camper is set up with two recliners in the rear and the sofa is opposite the tv. I would like to reverse that. The problem would be that the sofa in the rear would cover the heating vent that is now between the two chairs. We use the heat maybe a few times a year. Would this be a problem or does the vent need to be moved? If it does need to be moved, how is this done? Thanks for the help.


Well-known member
I have no idea what your model of rig you have, but if you don't use your heater then it won't hurt to block it off. We close ours just to keep the junk from going down the ducting. I suspect if you do a google search you will find a device that redirects heat THIS.


Well-known member
You could use a magnetic cover to block it so it doesn't heat your furniture. It's a pretty common practice to partially block furnace vents, but Suburban warns against blocking them. Reducing air flow could create intermittent furnace failures at either the sail switch or the high-limit switch.


Well-known member
As long as the rest of the heating ducts are open all the way it should not cause a problem.


Prolifically Gabby Member
We used adjustable vents for years with no adverse effects. Without them, the bedroom was an oven and the rear of the rig a meat locker. Now, if you blocked the openings at the plenum, you might have a problem.

Some of these warnings are as meaningful as the Prop.65 BS that’s on darn near everything.

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Active Member
We block our vents without any problems. We usually have one blocked at a time, i wouldnt want to block more than that as you may block flow and and trip limit switch's or have other issues.