Build a cover or not for 5th wheel or EternaSeam


My husband and I are discussing the pros and cons of building a cover for the 5th wheel or not. And also if using EternaSeam on the seams would be just as good.

Does anyone out there use EternaSeam?

Can anyone tell the if it is really advantageous to have a cover over the 5th wheel. We have price them and the metal ones are around 5,000. Is this a reasonable price?

All comments appreciated.



Active Member
I would say yes on building a cover, if you plan to keep it for a while it will look lots better in the years to come, and when trying to sell it will move a lot faster when your listing will say kept inside, I know we sold one several years ago and it went the first day.


I agree with David. We went the extreme on this. We cut off the garage and built a new one at the rear of our property (in the city, so we had to get a variance to build one 16 ft tall), but it is the best thing we ever did. We are open on three sides, but being under a cover really saves the roof. We plan on installing roll-down UV shades that we will mount on wooden streamers across and tied down with eyebolts that will be anchored in the concrete slab. I'm looking forward to this next step in "saving" our "baby". It is a very good investment, in my opinion. We sold our last 5er in 2 weeks because it looked so good, and it was 16 years old. Nuff said! Good luck with this decision.


Southeast Region Director-Retired
We bought a house that had an rv shed already built. We just traded our BC 3250 which had been under the shed for the 5 years we had it and it looked like the day we bought it. The decals had not faded at all. Plus it protects the roof. My vote is yes.


Past North Carolina Chapter Leader
Build or buy a cover.We have been talking about buying a metal cover for years and we have finally done it.We bought a 28x45 with an "A" roof and gave around $4600.00 for it. Because of the tree falling on our Landmark or the "Mark" as it has been refered to, we now have a new roof and we are looking forward to it looking new and and performing well for a long time.
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Well-known member
We had a 18' x 60' for $4588. It is 2' away from my 40' x 60' shop and next to the forest. Shelters our Landmark very well, money well spent!!