Bunk bedding


Are there specific sheets made for the bunk beds? We have a Prowler 285 with double bunk beds and the mattresses are rounded. So can we buy fitted sheets? Or are there any pointers for a first time owner out there? Thanks in advance,


Hi dsmoore,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and to the family. We have a great bunch of folks here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge when needed.

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I'm sure some of our other members with the same unit will jump in soon with some info for you.

Enjoy the forum.
Jim M


Active Member
You won't find specific sheets for these bunks. We use sheets fitted for a normal mattress, and usually an unzipped sleeping bag. You can tuck the extra sheet material under the mattresses easily.


I've used a company in Littleton, CO for both custom sheets and a new mattress. Their products are high quality and their customer service is great. They can be reached at 888-488-1468 or mattressinsider.com. They take custom measurements so I am pretty sure they can help you.