Yes Jim, put it on stem walls, bottom of stem is 12 by 12 with 6 by 8 riser. Total of 18 tall with rebar throughout. Just poured front and back stem walls, both 6 in wide by 12 deep reinforced also being the walls are 14 ft tall. Want it to be the last one I build. Hopefully this will allow the new Arlington to last a long time. Jerrod has been over to see it and was pleased. I'm looking forward on meeting you in the near future, how did your Calistoga plans go?
Thanks for the detail. I believe I will have 20 piers at 36" deep that the posts will sit in. That ought to keep it anchored in the winds we get in CO.
I have not completely decided if I can make Bob and Patty's SoCal rally yet. So much going on with the new house. As it is, we will move in and hit the road. No time to really get settled or get much done before we have to head west, so we may want to come back home after the Jackson rally.