Can't post to BH-ATF


Well-known member
Need help posting to BH-ATF. I went to the forum, filled int the info. Typed int he subject and that is all it would let me do. I tried hitting enter and it said I was missing the "forum post" that was required but the system won't allow me to write anything in that section.

How do you post to the BH-ATF??? Is it me or the website???


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
Tom, there are several required fields (name, telephone, VIN, etc) that have to be filled in also. Did you fill them in and still were unable to post?


Well-known member
Everything was filled in until I came to "forum post" and I couldn't write anything there so I clicked and it complained about my not filling in a required field. I started again and the same thing happened...................