Ceiling Fan

My 2007 BH 3670 came with a ceiling fan that I use a lot. It stop working. The fan lights are still functionning but the fan itself either in forward or reverse mode is not although I can hear a continuous "hum" when powered. Have any of you encountered this problem before? As usual, thank you in advance.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
El, it sounds like the fan motor has gone bad. When you turn it on, will it run if you spin the blades? If not its most likely the motor. You might contact HL service and talk to them. You might also remove the fan and check all the wiring and make sure all the connections are tight. Bob:D


Well-known member
Sounds like a loose connection to me. There is little else to fail in the magnetic fan motor. You might see it and fix it if you take the fan down.