Confused and need advice on RV Internet equipment


Well-known member
I didn't think Verizon used Sim cards. I know my 6 of my family with Droids and Verizon iPhones don't have SIMs but all of our ATT phones do.

All of the new 3G/4G LTE modems have a sim card slot that stores your account, which means no need to do ESN swaps anymore. If you get a different device you just take out the sim and insert it in the new modem.


Prolifically Gabby Member
WAA HOO! I've got 3G

The MiFi 4510L set came this afternoon. After dinner, I started playing with it. It connected to the computer, but not to Verizon. Then I read the instructions and called Verizon. The charming lady on the phone worked some magic and eventually it got linked in and I'm transmitting on it at the moment. Turned off the cable modem to try it out. And yep, it's got a SIM card.

Extra bonus: I signed up for the $50 a month 5GB program. But, we're under an old GM plan that gives us a 21% discount, so it's only 39.50 a month. Sweet!

I'll reiterate what TxBobcat said: If you don't know what you're doing, call Matt at 3G. He got me unconfused.


Well-known member
Re: WAA HOO! I've got 3G

Glad to hear that everything is working out for you! If you run into any problems feel free to give me a call or shoot me an email.