Considering buying a 2010 Heartland Bighorn 3610RE

I joined this forum because there's a 2010 Heartland Bighorn 3610RE for sale near Dallas, TX for less than $23,000 and I'm wondering what you all think of this potential purchase? I would live in it full-time (just me and my cat... I'm a retired guy) after transporting it about 220 miles to Route 66 in Oklahoma. I like the floor plan a lot and the price. Also, this dealer has a 2015 Heartland Big Country 3596RE that he's selling for about $33,000. Do you think it's worth $10,000 to get a 5 year newer trailer?
At the suggestion of my local RV Park's owners, I contacted an RV inspector (member of NRVIA) local to Dallas who I will hire to inspect whichever trailer I think is best for me.
I would appreciate any advice you all would like to offer. And you'll see I've linked to the two listings in what I wrote above.
Thanks, everyone!
Steve from Stroud, OK


Staff member
Everyone will give you advise but it's best to go with what you like and can afford.
Both rigs look nice but personally I'd prefer the 2015 BC for a couple of reasons.
Residential refrigerator, extra five years of roof life and it looks like the recliners have been recent replaced.
But the 2010 has a washer and dryer. Maybe try to work a deal, move the washer and dryer in to the 2015.
That's my thought.

Thanks for the feedback, Dave. After studying the two more carefully, I see the 2015 has space between the toilet and bathroom sink cabinetry where my cat's liter box could go. Might partially cover the vent. But the box is 18 inches wide and the dealer just told me the space is 22 inches wide. So, I think I can make it work... especially since that vent is probably part of the heating system only (right?). I might cover it to prevent cat litter getting into the vent. Hope that wouldn't be a problem in the winter time. Hmmm...
The dealer also says the unit is not prepped for a generator being installed but say "it can be done". How do you feel about trailers having their own generators? I lean towards that being a good idea. Sorry to learn this unit is not prepped for one.
And I think I'd like a new stackable W/D set up, so it has (I hope) a warranty.
So, it looks like I'll be paying for a 5 year newer roof. Just hope I'm not gonna bust my budget getting that generator installed.


Well-known member
NO gen on our toy hauler, it is prepped for one, haven't had the need for one so far. If you aren't boondocking then you shouldn't need a generator. If I decide to get a gen it will be a portable one, less money, less noise & could use it elsewhere if needed.
Thanks for the feedback re: a generator. I credit the dealer with basically saying the same thing to me this afternoon. Save the big money and get a portable that can sit on the ground ... and maybe be used for other things.