Converter Was Unplugged


Well-known member
If you want to secure a plug to a socket, and have no convenient place to put a cable tie, you can apply RVers Goop to the mating plastic surfaces away from the metal prongs. This rubberized, thick, adhesive pulls away easily when you want it to, but holds pretty well otherwise. I used this a lot on medical devices that had internal plug/sockets that kept coming apart.

The 2nd outlet that someone noticed in the crawl space is for the central vacuum cleaner in my Bighorn.


Prolifically Gabby Member
In mine, the central vac outlet is on the forward basement wall and the cord comes through a hole in it. It was dealer installed under the stairs, so I guess they decided it was easier to use the one for the basement TV (don't have one though). Cord is too short to reach the one on the back wall.

Another mystery solved.


Thanks for all the suggestions
Call me a quitter, but I have a Mobile RV guy coming out Thursday to check it out. I did see the orange Romex but it dissapeared in to the underbelly. On the wall was a junction box but no plug. I opened the junction box all conections were good there. My converter seems to be direct to the breaker box for power. And all breakers have 120 power. I'm just not getting powered up on the 12v side unless my battery is hooked up and charged. So anyway I gave up but appreciate all the help
Seems to me, if there are this many problems with the cords falling out, Heartland may want to look into having "Twist-lock" plugs put on the converters and installing a twist lock receptacle. Hoping to pull the trigger on a 33RK in the next couple weeks, and that may be the first thing I check, is the converter.