Correct amperage for battery circuit breaker


I have a 2009 Heartland Big country 32.5 ft. I need to replace the battery circuit breaker but I am unable to determine the correct amperage. The old circuit breaker does not have any markings on it so I don’t know the correct amperage to replace it with. The converter is IntelliPower, 60 amp output


Well-known member
I would think that the breaker should match or the rating of the charging device (60 amps), especially if it is a manual reset type. 60 amps breaker at 12 volts, is not a commonly available size, though. The 50 amp breaker is a common size. The converter/charger usually has 3 20 amp fuses in parallel to give a 60 amp output protection, though. As soon as 1 of the 3 fuses in parallel blows, there will be over currents on the 2 other fuses, and they should blow too. Having the main 50 amp fuse between the converter/charger and the battery be a MANUAL RESET TYPE is a fire safety precaution to keep a reoccurring over current condition continually resetting and heating up the wiring. Unfortunately, from the many postings about this breaker tripping on this forum over the years, this can be a source of nuisance trips that you don't discover until you are boondocking without shore power, and discover that your 12 volt battery supplied system doesn't work, and your battery is nearly (or is completely) dead from a lack of charging when connected to shore power.


Does anyone have a wiring diagram of that particular year/model? I replaced the circuit breaker and still no lights, no landing gear power, no slide power. I replaced the battery as well by the way so that should not be an issue.


Well-known member
Does anyone have a wiring diagram of that particular year/model? I replaced the circuit breaker and still no lights, no landing gear power, no slide power. I replaced the battery as well by the way so that should not be an issue.
I 'd check for voltage at the circuit breaker with a volt meter to make sure the connections are good up to that point from the source.


Staff member
In the bank of 12 volt breakers there is one that is a manual reset. It will be one with a heavy red wire.
You will have to feel the sides of the breakers for a very tiny reset button. Press it. It doesn't take much for the reset.



Well-known member
Maybe this diagram will help, along with a DC voltmeter to check things out.

BTW, this helpful DC power basics generic diagram does NOT show the 12 volt battery charging connection from the tow vehicle, which connects directly to the battery without a fuse/breaker in the trailer. This charging source is keep the battery charged going down the road as a source of power for the trailer's EMERGENCY DISCCONECT electrical brakes system. This source is normally fused in the tow vehicle's wiring.