Diesel lower than Gas


Well-known member
$2.67 for diesel at Sam's here in San Angelo and $1.93 for regular. Otherwise 2.79 - 2.99 for diesel, 1.95 - 2.15 for regular every place else.
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Moved on to the next thing...
$3.47 for diesel at the only gas station I've seen in Death Valley. Considering a soda is $2.99, that's a steal for the diesel :)

I filled up the truck last night (regular unleaded) near my house at 120th. & Colorado Blvd. for $1.72 per gallon.

See you guys next week down in Arizona!


Well-known member
Diesel at $2.49 at several stations near Chattanooga today.... I will miss it as we are heading out early tomorrow for Florida and I am sure the big rig locations near I-75 are charging way more than that!



Pennsylvania Chapter Leaders-retired
Diesel is still over $3/gal here in central PA. Locally it is $3.19 but that's $1.10 a gallon less that it was 9 months ago! Gas is $2.45 +\-

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Good news is the prices are still falling here in that diesel is now $3.08 but we were down in the Harrisburg/Hershey area and found diesel for $2.96!! Gas-$2.20.

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Well-known member
You guys are so lucky south of the border. Our Diesel is at the lowest in 4 years, still higher than unleaded though. Diesel is now at $.99 LTR which is approx $4.04 a gallon. So I am heading south.....


Well-known member
Converting for US gallon and dollar, I'm paying $4.86 for diesel and $3.45 for gas.

That's about half of what it was for gas two months ago. Not so much for diesel.


Founding Louisiana Chapter Leaders-Retired
Wow 1.91?? Two weeks ago they were competing with the truck stops as far as price. Lol. I did notice that pilot/flying j is now under $3. Lol

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Well-known member
In Anaheim, California (near Disneyland), lowest diesel was $2.35. Average was $2.50. In Palm Springs, lowest I've seen is $2.75. Really can't believe I saw gas under $2 in California!!!


Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
Caseyville IL Gas is 1.79 Diesel is 2.89 or go across the river to Mo. and gas is 1.67 and Diesel is 2.54.