Dining Table Chairs


Prolifically Gabby Member
Since I'm temporarily at a loss for things to do to the rig, the wife got into the act. Seems we finally needed to unbolt the dining table (good move!) during our last visit.That got us into a discussion on the chairs. Can't say they're the most comfortable things, either, so we got two of these and will remove the remaining three OEM chairs next week when we head back to the rig. Next, we'll investigate some wooden folding chairs to have on hand. I've got enough room in the basement to be able to store a couple should the need arise. Slowly getting her warmed up to the idea of replacing the recliners and maybe even the sofa. Maybe next year on that.

These new chairs are actually quite comfortable, even without a padded seat. We looked at similar chairs at Oak Express, but the MADE IN CHINA stamp on the bottom and pizz-poor workmanship turned me off, even if they cost a lot less. These are Made in Michigan.

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