I changed over to a 2018 Dodge 3500 dually from a 2016 Dodge 2500 short box. I went with the long bed because the dealer told me that is where I get that Best in Class Towing...….towed a 4113 yesterday as we were considering buying it. Towed great. My truck has a stock suspension and it did squat about 4 inches, not enough that would think I need to do anything
Just a heads up on the 4113, when we checked the 2018 we were thinking of, at each end of the slides when we got down and looked there were opening you could almost drop a golf ball through. Vents were tore away from the main vent in the storage bay (They use an aluminum tape to build them). Had service come out and they said sometimes they let the vent tear away a little to help heat the bay. Checked under the slides to find out why we could see through the corners and it was because they are supposed to have some foam taped up in the corners on the outside, to seal the holes....yep tape and foam.
Is a beautiful rig, great bay storage and interior storage...….had em down to about 71,000, but only had two AC units. They said they would drop the third in at cost, but I said I would not budge on what I would pay. I think if I had not been so disappointed in the construction I would had ate the 900 and pulled the trigger on it.
If you have any concerns about the electric leveling, make sure you discuss with them how to keep it from going out of sync and how to recover when it does. I used the system to level it, then put it in hitch position, drug it, then couldn't get out from underneath it. Voltage was down and it kept registering an out of sync code, so make sure and include a battery upgrade.
Last thing, then I will quite rambling...…..when we test drove it there was no battery, so the trailer brakes will not register. Truck towed it fine and stopped it fine, just a little unnerving when it doesn't register.