Draining hot water heater


Well-known member
I was told during an RV Maintenance 101 seminar that if u go more than 2 weeks between camping, that you should empty the water heater. I had never been doing this, but have been since this seminar. Can't say yet whether it really makes a difference on anything, but I thought I would follow the instructions given by the presenter.


Active Member
Having worked in both water and waste water treatment. I know that the chlorine used for disinfection doesn't remain in the water very long. How hard is it to pull the plug and drain the tank. Tainted water causes sickness and in extreme cases death. I really don't know why you would take that risk with your health or the health of your family. I stayed long term in a KOA years ago in Charleston ,SC when I would go home for the weekend upon my return the water in my supply hose had turned green and I would have to flush the whole system.We were right next to a very large water storage tank that served a lot of people. I'm not to lazy to drain my tank.



Well-known member
I drain mine after every trip and at the same time inspect and wire brush (as required) the sacrificial annode (in Suburban HW heaters) that prevents the heater itself from corroding. Takes five minutes and prevents corrosive debris from building up and save on having to replace the annode.


Well-known member
I drain mine when I winterize it. It may set for 5 weeks between use but never more. I don't drain the fresh water tank either because I use treated city water.


Well-known member
I drain our water heater at the end of our 2-4 month snowbird trip, this year 4 months. When were having our HW heater serviced the Tech. we had asked me if I drain it after returning home and I said yes we do. Since it is a Surburban HW heater I also change the rod in it weather it needs it or not. Last year we were only in this resort 2 months and the rod was about 35-40 percent gone. This year we are here 4 months and I had the water softener hooked up so I'm curious to see how much of it is left. The Tech said the worse thing you can do is leave the water in the HW heater from year to year hear, but this water is extremely hard.
I'm glad I dump it and flush, If I had an Atwood Heater it might make a difference but my Sunnybrook had one and I still drained it, as far as I know it's still going 12 years later.


Remember that you're not likely to be drinking anything from the hot water tank. A couple of weeks in between trips is not much of a concern to me, although i do release the pressure after each trip. I am fastidious about doing my best to keep our fresh water tank clean and dis-infected as best I can.


Prolifically Gabby Member
i fill the water heater in mid-May when we take the trailer to our seasonal site and drain it the end of September to bring it home. Been doing this since we got the rig with no ill effects to us or the water heater. The longest it sits unused is about 10 days when we're not using the trailer. The CG has very good water and everything that enters the trailer goes through a two filter system.