Electric Stabilizing unit flexing against trailer.


One month old 28DBSS was taken back to dealer to get everything fixed that we found wrong with it. One of my complaints is that there is a "clunking" sound you hear when you walk around on the inside. The dealer told me that its the electric stabilizing jack unit that is flexing against the unit itself that is causing the noise. Anyone else experience this issue? What have you done/was done to correct the issue?


Iowa Chapter Leaders
You might put wood or rubber blocks down under the stab jack feet. I use 4x6 blocks under all mine and also lube the joints. Don't forget to lube the equalizer and spring joints a bit also if they are producing noise. Block up the wheels well so they aren't moving around and readjust the stab jacks a bit after the rig has settled if on softer surfaces.


I carry blocks 6x6 blocks with me but I have yet to go anywhere where I thought I needed to use them. The gap in between the wheels is so different from my previous trailer that my old wheel chocks will not work. So I have not been able to try to minimize the sway in that manner. Thanks for the suggestions.