Elkridge E-292 Roof construction


Planning on installing Solar Panels on my 2016 Elkridge E-292. Spoke to a factory guy who stated the roof on the 2016 E-292 is basically 4ft x roof with aluminum c channel frames with styrofoam in the center and no ribs in between. Have any of you out there installed solar on your E-292? Is my description of the roof accurate? Next time I climb up on the roof I will take my stud finder and see what I can find in between the obvious rib locations. Much whiter than the rest of the roof lines go across every 4 feet.


Legendary Member
Contact Heartland Customer Service at 877 262-8030 with your VIN on hand and they can give you the information you need.


Ok did that the info given was stated in my above post. Next question now planning on using Plus bolts, 1/4 - 20 or 5/16 - 18 to hold down my strut channel to the roof?